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MO|RE data

eResearch infrastructure for sports science motor activity research data – motor research data

The DFG-funded project MO|RE data is building a generally accessible eResearch infrastructure for sports science motor activity research data. The focus is on data from selected standardized test items with a high degree of dissemination. Furthermore, MO|RE data generates high-quality normative data and publishes accompanying materials for sport motor tests. The innovative allocation of DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) for the data sets stored in MO|RE data enables referencing for publications and research work.


Data on motor performance is generated in a number of national and international studies. The current research landscape is characterized by inconsistent and at times contradictory results regarding samples and methods applied. Furthermore, much of the research data is not used for publications and thus remains hidden for other research groups.


MO|RE data bundles available motor function research data in an e-research infrastructure and provides access to it for the general public. MO|RE data also generates comprehensive norm data of motor performance and accompanying material for motor performance tests. At its core will be data from selected standardized and widely known tests (e.g., standing long jump, shuttle run, sit-ups). In addition, MORE data offers scientists a platform on which they can archive and publish their data according to FAIR principles in the sense of Open Data.

About us

The Project is carried out by the KIT Institute of Sports and Sports Science (IfSS) in collaboration with the KIT Library.

The setup of the IT infrastructure is undertaken by the IT company mb-mediasports.

MO|RE data Team
